Horse & Rabbit Complete

Horse & Rabbit Complete

contains a complete prey animal.

Free of gluten, grains, additives, E-numbers & artificial fragrances, dyes or flavoring.

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It might surprise you, considering the carnivore nature of your pet, but not every dog is capable of eating every type of meat. Sometimes, there’s an intolerance present for a certain type of protein. Dogs with intolerances typically tend to react to chicken or beef proteins. To counter these specifically, we present meals containing complete prey animals, without making use of any chicken or beef. These meals contain proteins that dogs rarely reject. This roll is a prime example of such a product. Next to this, it’s very low in fat too!

This meal is 100% natural. That means there’s nothing else in it than pure fresh meat. All vitamins present come from the meat itself, instead of synthesized powder. They’re even analyzed in a laboratory. Why is natural petfood so important, you may ask? Well, natural vitamins are easier to absorb and have to ability to prevent all kinds of complications.

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