Our Story
Us humans experience a deep, unique connection with our pets: we view them as a full-fledged part of our family. And those who show love to their four-footed friends, receive a soulmate in return. That’s why they deserve the best we have to offer.
Health issues
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‘Those who show love to their four-footed friends, receive a soulmate in return.
The underlying causes
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What can the owner do?
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Natural food as a solution
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What else do we do?
We continue the petfood-dream that Grandpa Bert once had and expand it further! We look beyond just food and take taking care of your dog to the next level with our dogcare. Moreover, we also don’t forget about another four-footed furry family member: the cat. They deserve the best out there, which we offer.
Cat food
Our mission
To create happiness. A happy pet radiates joy. We aspire to create infinite happiness by improving the well-being of so many dogs & cats. This way we put a smile on every owner’s face. That’s exactly why we do what we do. This mission originates from the love that Grandpa Bert had for dogs – his own and those of others. Homeopathic therapy and natural food with a unique recipe: Grandpa Bert did everything with the intention of making dogs happy and to ensure they look amazing.